Meet the Students | Shrewsbury Town College & University

About Shrewsbury Town College & University

Achieving with us

At Shrewsbury Town College & University, we believe in supporting and recognising achievement as well as rising to challenges, building resilience and promoting our students to be caring, motivated citizens who are committed to everything they undertake.

Whilst studying with Shrewsbury Town College and University, students will have access to a range of training facilities both in and out of lessons allowing them to keep active and healthy.

We want to provide a fun and safe environment for students to study in and treat any concerns with care and seriousness through our staff and designated safeguarding team.

Why Choose Us?

Join our team

We are always looking out for candidates to join our ever-growing team at Shrewsbury College & University. If you are interested in becoming part of the team in teaching, coaching, administrative or volunteering roles, submit your CV.


Next Open Day

Open evenings allow our inspiring students to learn more about our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our team of tutors and discover more about the course we offer here at Shrewsbury Town College and University.

Our training providers